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v školskom roku 2015/2016

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Gymnázium, Párovská 1, Nitra

Gymnazium, 1 Párovská Street, is a general secondary education institution in the historical centre of the ancient city Nitra.
It was established in the year 1965 and has had hundreds of graduates since then. The school has also seen a number of important changes.

The educational complex of school buildings consist of twelve typical classrooms, eight smaller study rooms convenient for teaching foreign languages, four terassed classrooms, six Physics, Biology and Chemistry laboratories, fourteen teachers' offices, four IT newly equipped IT classrooms, including the Internet.

An important part of the Gymnazium is a special hall where ceremonies and school celebrations are held. The school also have a canteen and it provides a comfortable atmosphere for students to relax and meet with their friends and teachers.

The supportive and professional environment of our school includes own sports facilities and offers two indoor gymnasiums, a swimming pool, a fitness centre, an outdoor basketball court and a playground.
Admission to the Gymnazium is by examination in Mathematics, Slovak and general learning aptitude.
The professional staff is represented by highly qualified and experienced teachers.
The school's educational policy and its main objective is to provide a thorough preparation for admission to universities and for continued studies both in the Slovak Republic and abroad.
The Gymnasium is divided into three lines: the four-year general line, the eight-year education programme focused on Mathematics and the specialized five-year Slovak and Spanish bilingual track of Ramón y Cajal.

The bilingual track is delivering a special education programme and the students take extra lessons of Spanish and from the second grade onwards Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, History and Geography are taught in Spanish. Language teaching is provided by qualified Slovak and Spanish teachers. The best students can study after their graduation both in Spanish speaking countries and Slovak universities.

Other foreign languages taught at the Gymnazium are English, German and French. Although the school puts emphasis on general education, it enables students in the two upper grades to take special optional subjects (seminars).

Our school mantain good, long standing partnerships with secondary grammar schools in Germany, Serbia and France.
All student of the first grade take winter sports courses. In addition, junior students take part in the so-called “School Outdoors” projects.
The Departments of Foreign Languages, History, Geography, Physics and Biology regularly organize educational trips to important places and sites in Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Austria and Poland (depending on the school curriculum ).

The Gymnazium offers a wide range of extracurricular and after-school activities, such as a Spanish Drama group, Maths and IT clubs, a film club, an English club and many sports activities. The students also participate in the publishing of a school magazine (called „NEZMAR“), whose quality and professionalism are appreciated by specialists.
The high quality of education, good technical and IT equipment, satisfied students and parents as well - make us proud of an excellent reputation in the region.